Market Forces: Stocks in Economics

Envision making your fortune, even retiring early. Stocks might just fulfill this dream! But, how to get started is another issue. Do not worry,...

Leading housing construction data stabilizes, while units under construction continue free-fall. With a continued hurricane asterisk

  - by New Deal democratHousing data for October, like that for September, has to be viewed with an asterisk, due to Hurricanes Helene and...

Whither housing? A look at interest rate and inflationary considerations

  - by New Deal democratStarting tomorrow we get to the time of month when the data on the important long leading sector of housing...

Jobless claims complete their reversion to pre-hurricane-disruptions trend

  - by New Deal democratInitial claims have now completely reverted to trend after their recent hurricane-induced blip.Initial claims rose 3,000 for the week to...

The long leading indicator of corporate profit growth stalled in Q3

  - by New Deal democratPerhaps the most important economic news released so far this week was this morning’s update on Q3 corporate profits. While...

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