industrial and manufacturing production rebounded strongly in August

  - by New Deal democratIn the past, industrial production has been the King of Coincident Indicators, since its peaks and troughs tended to coincide...

Jobless claims complete their reversion to pre-hurricane-disruptions trend

  - by New Deal democratInitial claims have now completely reverted to trend after their recent hurricane-induced blip.Initial claims rose 3,000 for the week to...

The Road to Incoherence: Arthur Burns and the Agony of Central Banking

UPDATE: My concluding paragraph was inadverently deleted from my post, so even if you’ve already read the post, you may want to go back...

a pause, or possibly reversal, in the rebalancing trend

  - by New Deal democratYesterday’s report on existing home sales indicated, at least for one month, a pause or even reversal in the previous...

Leading housing construction data stabilizes, while units under construction continue free-fall. With a continued hurricane asterisk

  - by New Deal democratHousing data for October, like that for September, has to be viewed with an asterisk, due to Hurricanes Helene and...

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