Guaranteed Income for the 21st Century Aims to End Poverty As We Know It

Guaranteed Income for the 21st Century Aims to End Poverty As We Know It

In a promising contribution to the debate over poverty
policy, the Institute on Race and Political Economy at the New School has
released a major welfare reform proposal that it calls a Guaranteed Income for
the 21st Century. Details of the proposal (abbreviated GI21 in what follows)
are set out in a report written by Naomi Zewde, Kyle Strickland, Kelly
Capatosto, Ari Glogower, and Darrick Hamilton. The proposal makes a full-scale
assault on America’s social protection gap. It includes several features that
the Niskanen Center has long championed, such as an emphasis on cash
assistance, broad eligibility, and payment in monthly installments with
appropriate provisions for the unbanked. Although the proposal is not
budget-neutral, its estimated cost of $876 billion per year is considerably
less than that of several other proposals for a universal basic income.

All proposed reforms of the social safety net face a set of
tradeoffs among the goals of income security, affordability, and work
incentives. This commentary will examine how GI21 deals with those tradeoffs,
beginning with the areas where it is strongest and then turning to aspects of
the plan that could benefit from some further thought.

Income security and affordability

The first priority of Guaranteed Income for the 21st
Century, clearly, is income security. “Our goal here,” Zewde et al. write,
“cannot be to simply reduce poverty, but instead must be to abolish absolute
poverty as we know it.” To that end, GI21 calls for a cash grant of $12,500 per
year for each adult in a household and $4,500 for each child, payable in
monthly installments. For single-parent families, that schedule of payments
approximates the 2021 poverty guidelines from the Department of Health and
Human Services ($12,880 for a single adult with an allowance of $4,540 for each
additional family member, whether child or adult). For two-parent households
with children, the GI21 schedule comes in well above the official poverty

Not surprisingly, the goal of completely eliminating poverty
is costly. The CBO projects that the federal government will spend a total of
$812 billion on means-tested poverty programs in 2021, of which about
two-thirds will go to healthcare programs and one-third to income support. The
$876 billion estimated cost of GI21 would more than double that. However, as
Zewde et al. point out, the cost of GI21 is modest compared to that of other
basic income proposals, such as that of Andrew Yang ($2.8 to $3 trillion) or
one discussed by The Architecture of a Basic Income Miranda Perry Fleischer and
Daniel Hemel ($1.8 trillion).

The relative affordability of the GI21 basic income plan
comes from the fact that it is structured as a negative income tax rather than
a truly universal basic income. As such, the basic grants are subject to a
phase-out that begins at $10,000 of earned income for families with one adult
and tapers off to zero at $50,000. For two-parent families, the phaseout starts
at $15,000 and reaches zero at $70,000. For families whose incomes rise during
the year, overpayments are subject to recapture, following a mechanism similar
to that used for income-based premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act.
Several safeguards minimize the chance that families with rising incomes will
find themselves unexpectedly in debt to a program that was designed to benefit

Administratively, GI21 is characterized as “a substantial
overhaul and extension” of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – a program on
which the U.S. government currently spends some $88 billion a year. As such,
its implementation is assigned to what its authors call “the most powerful
fiscal tool” of the U.S. government, namely the tax code. That might raise the
eyebrows of some observers, such as Niskanen’s Sam Hammond, who sees the
Internal Revenue Service as a “broken home in need of repair” rather than the
federal government’s most capable agency. Presumably, though, a sufficiently
generous appropriation from Congress could get the IRS up to speed to run such
a large new program.

Work incentives

On the whole, I find that the GI21 proposal places less
emphasis on work incentives than on income security and affordability, but the
topic is not neglected altogether. Work incentives for households with the
lowest incomes are protected to the extent that the phaseout of benefits does
not begin until earnings rise to a threshold of $10,000 for households with one
adult and $15,000 for those with two adults. Once those thresholds are reached,
however, households in the phaseout ranges ($10,000 to $50,000 for one adult
and $15,000 to $70,000 for two) would lose a significant amount in benefits for
each extra dollar earned. Because the phaseout ranges vary only with the number
of adults, while the basic grant increases with the number of children, the
resulting benefit reduction rates increase with family size. Table 1 shows the
amount by which benefits are reduced for each added dollar of earned income
within the phaseout range for various family configurations, as I calculate

Furthermore, the full impact of GI21 on work incentives
depends not only on the benefit reduction rate, but also on payroll and income
taxes. The sum of the benefit reduction rate and the rates of those taxes is
known as the effective marginal tax rate (EMTR). For example, a single parent
with one child and income between $10,000 and $50,000 would face a benefit
reduction rate of 42.5 percent plus a payroll tax of 7.65 percent, for an
effective marginal tax rate of 50.15 percent. Households with higher incomes
would also potentially be exposed to income taxes. For example, households with
two parents and two children, and an income approaching $70,000, would probably
face an income tax rate of 12 percent. Their combined EMTR would thus be 61.8 +
7.65 + 12, or 81.45 percent. That means they would keep less than 19 cents in
take-home pay for each dollar earned – and less than that if they lived in one
of the 42 states that has its own income tax.

The impact of income taxes on work incentives only kicks in
at the high end of the phaseout range and could be mitigated by minor changes
in tax law that could be included in legislation implementing GI21. However,
exempting GI21 beneficiaries from the payroll tax would be more problematic.
Doing so would affect the whole structure of the Social Security system,
including the financial health of its faltering trust fund and even the
eventual eligibility of GI21 participants for retirement benefits. In what
follows, I will assume that GI21 beneficiaries are exposed to payroll taxes but
not income taxes.

Zewde et al. recognize that high EMTRs can potentially
affect work incentives, but their treatment of the issue is dismissive. In a
brief text box, they cite a 2006 paper by Nada Eissa and Hilary W. Hoynes, to
the effect that “empirical research finds that the EITC phaseout does not
significantly reduce the hours worked by taxpayers already participating in the
labor market.” However, the conclusions I draw from that paper are not quite so

To study the effects of EMTRs on work behavior, Eissa and
Hoynes used data from a 1993 expansion of the EITC, which raised the benefit-
reduction rate for some EITC recipients from 14 percent to 21 percent. The
authors discuss possible reasons why empirical studies of the EITC reforms fail
to show the negative effect on hours worked that standard labor market theory
would predict. Like Zewde et al., they consider lack of workers’ control over
hours to be part of the explanation. However, they also say that “it is not
unreasonable to consider [the reduction in hours worked] too small to be
identified empirically, especially given the somewhat crude comparison-of-means
approach typically used.” In my opinion, the inconclusive results may also be
due, at least in part, to “range compression” in the sample, that is, to the
narrow range (from the single digits to the low twenties) over which
benefit-reduction rates vary under the current version of the EITC. A policy
that exposed workers to benefit-reduction rates such as those shown in Table 1
would be much more likely to have measurable negative impacts on hours worked.

But the potential reduction in hours worked by people who
already have jobs is not the only issue, or even the most important one. Eissa
and Hoynes, like other researchers, emphasize that the labor response to
benefit reductions has two components, one being an effect on hours worked and
the other an effect on the likelihood of entering the labor market at all.
Empirical work shows the latter to be by far the more important of the two. As
Eissa and Hoynes put it,

A consistent finding is that labor supply responses are
concentrated along the extensive (entry) margin, rather than the intensive
(hours worked) margin. This distinction has important implications for the design
of tax-transfer programs and for the welfare evaluation of tax reforms.

The entry effect is especially strong as it affects second
earners in two-adult households. Consider a household composed of two parents
and two children, in which one parent has a full-time job at $15 an hour –
enough to bring them above the poverty level, but not fully into the middle
class. Suppose now that the other parent wants to take a half-time job at $12
an hour to add a little resilience to a paycheck-to-paycheck family budget.
Under GI21 (assuming that the income tax is waived but the payroll tax is not)
Parent #2, facing an EMTR of 69.5 percent, would bring home just $3.66 an hour.
Costs of commuting and work clothes, let alone child care, would wipe out that
$3.66 in a hurry. Why bother?

The empirical results reported by Eissa and Hoynes confirm
the impact of increased benefit-reduction rates on labor force participation by
second earners. Specifically, they estimate that the EITC expansion of 1993
lowered the rate of labor market participation of married women by 1 percentage
point. That may not sound like much, but keep in mind that the 1993 expansion
increased the EITC benefit-reduction rate by just 7 percentage points. GI21, in
contrast, would increase the benefit reduction rate for married women with two
children from 21 percent under today’s EITC to 61.8 percent. The impact of GI21
on the labor force participation of second earners would presumably be
significantly greater than in 1993.

Interaction with other poverty programs

So far, we have looked at the work-incentive effects of GI21
in isolation. However, the analysis is incomplete without recognizing that GI21
intends not to replace other poverty programs, but to supplement them. As Zewde
et al. write,

This program is designed to supplement and bolster the
existing social safety net and should not be thought of as a replacement for
other in-kind government support programs. While many of our existing social
supports help to address specific essential needs, unconditional cash grants
provide families with the opportunity to take care of urgent needs or
emergencies of any kind, or to invest in their careers or their families. This
maintenance of other social safety net programs helps to ensure that our
program enables individual progress and wealth building, and bolsters support
for those in need and who have historically been excluded from economic

On the face of it, this appears to mean that people who
receive GI21 benefits could use them flexibly to meet any urgent needs or to
build wealth while continuing to receive in-kind benefits such as Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds for food needs, Medicaid for health
care needs, housing vouchers for shelter, and so on, and perhaps other forms of
cash benefits as well, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Insofar as the intent is to further strengthen the effects of GI21 on income
security, that is all well and good, but it is also important to consider the
effects on affordability and work incentives. Those effects, in turn, depend on
exactly how the supplementary nature of GI21 would actually be implemented – a
point on which the report by Zewde et al. sheds little light.

I see two possibilities. One is that existing programs would
not be eliminated to make way for GI21, but 
guaranteed-income payments would affect eligibility and benefits for
those programs in the same way as earned income does now. Another is that the
enabling legislation would direct that GI21 benefits be disregarded when
calculating eligibility and benefits for other programs. Either option raises
potential problems.

First suppose that there is no disregard, so that GI21
benefits are counted the same as earned income. In that case, given that GI21
benefits alone equal or exceed the federal poverty level, it seems that few
people would actually qualify for SNAP, housing vouchers, and other programs,
and that those who did would receive only minimal benefits. Furthermore, to the
extent that GI21 succeeded in its intended goal of facilitating wealth
building, some beneficiaries would also fail the asset tests for Medicaid and
other programs that had them.

From the point of view of affordability, a reduction in the
number of beneficiaries of existing programs is a plus. Obviously, however, a
no-disregard rule would reduce the degree to which GI21 enhanced beneficiaries’
financial security. In that sense, the no-disregard option seems inconsistent
with the language of the paragraph quoted above.

On the other hand, disregarding GI21 benefits for purposes
of other poverty programs would raise a different set of problems. The most
serious would be the impact on work incentives for households that qualified
simultaneously for GI21, SNAP, TANF, and other programs that each have their
own benefit reduction rates.

Consider SNAP, a program that is available to almost all
households with low incomes. The typical benefit-reduction rate for SNAP is 24
percent of income, after considering a standard deduction from earned income.
If that rate were added to the rates shown in Table 1, and if payroll taxes
were also counted, a single person eligible for both SNAP and GI21 would face a
EMTR of 62.95 percent once they reached the phaseout range for GI21 ($10,000 of
earned income). A couple with two children in the phaseout range (over $15,000
of earned income) would face a combined benefit-reduction rate of 93.45

TANF is less widely available than SNAP. Only about 23
percent of all poor families receive aid from that program. However, for those
families that are eligible, TANF interacts with SNAP in complex ways that
produce much higher benefit-reduction rates than either program alone. A report
from the Agriculture Department estimates that the typical combined
benefit-reduction rate for families eligible for both TANF and SNAP is 70
percent. Without a disregard of GI21 benefits, all families who were eligible
for all three programs (GI21, TANF, and SNAP) and who had incomes in the
phaseout range would face combined benefit-reduction rates in excess of 100
percent, even without considering payroll taxes.

Although TANF is available only to a minority of families,
its interaction with GI21 is particularly problematic. The whole rationale of
TANF in the first place was based on the principle of welfare-to-work. To that
end, TANF subjects its beneficiaries to strict work requirements. But if you
combine work requirements with a mix of income-support programs that have an
effective marginal tax rate of 100 percent or more, you get the absurdity that
people are required to work, but are paid nothing for doing so.

Poverty experts caution against exaggerating the effects of
additive benefit-reduction rates, noting that some of the highest combined
rates quoted by welfare critics involve improbable combinations of programs.
For example, a report titled “It Pays to Work” from the Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities (CBPP) estimates that “only about 3 percent of single mothers
with two children and earnings below 150 percent of the poverty line receive
the EITC, SNAP, and either TANF or housing aid (or both) and are in the
earnings range where these benefits all phase down simultaneously — and
consequently face marginal tax rates above 80 percent.”

For more realistic combinations of earnings and benefits,
the CBPP report argues, work incentives are higher. It uses the example of a
single mother of two children who is eligible for the EITC, the Child Tax
Credit, and SNAP. Based on 2016 benefit levels, such a person would have an
income of $6,132 if not working, $16,786 if working half-time at a minimum-wage
job for $7.25 per hour, and $25,882 if working full-time at a minimum-wage job.
The figures include the effect of payroll taxes. The result is that the
family’s total income including benefits actually rises 40 percent faster than
earned income for half-time work and 20 percent faster than earned income for
the transition from half-time to full-time work. For such a household, it truly
would pay to work.

But there is a catch: The favorable work incentives in the
CBPP example arise largely from the fact that the household in question is in
the phase-in range of the EITC. If we replace the existing version of the EITC
with GI21, which has no phase-in bonus, a lower phaseout threshold, and higher
phaseout rates, the picture changes dramatically. Now, even if GI21 benefits
are disregarded in calculating SNAP, the single mother of two used in the CBPP
example has a total disposable income of $27,632 if she does not work, $34,595
if she works half-time at a minimum wage job, and $37,322 if she works
full-time. The incentive for half-time work is still there; she would keep 92
percent of her income from the first 1,000 hours of work. However, moving to
full-time work would put her in the phaseout bracket of GI21, so she would keep
just $2,727, or 34 percent, of the extra $7,540 she earned. If her wage were
$10 per hour, instead of the minimum wage, then the full increase in wages when
moving from half-time to full-time work would be subject to the GI21 phaseout.
In that case she would keep just 12 percent of her added earnings. (All of
these numbers could vary from state to state, according to local SNAP rules.)

In short, whether or not GI21 benefits are disregarded, and
even for favorable cases, such as the one suggested by the CBPP, effective
marginal tax rates would be far higher and work incentives far lower under GI21
than under common existing combinations of EITC with other programs.

Suggested modifications

None of the problems identified above should be considered
fatal to the aims of GI21. It is my impression that the version of that program
outlined in Zewde et al. is not meant as a complete blueprint, but rather, a
catalyst for further thought. Here are my suggestions for possible
modifications as the concept of a Guaranteed Income for the 21st Century is
developed further.

  • First, more thought needs to be given to the way GI21 would
    interact with current tax law and existing poverty programs. Among other
    things, the program should include some mechanism to make sure that people who
    are subject to the GI21 phaseout are not also subject to income taxes. Also,
    the degree to which GI21 benefits would count as earned income for existing
    means-tested programs needs to be clarified. That is the case not only for
    programs aimed at the poor, such as SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid, but also for
    middle-class benefits such as premium subsidies under the ACA.
  • A second, more far-reaching possibility would be to make
    GI21 an outright substitute for most existing cash and in-kind poverty
    programs, rather than an add-on. The concept of allowing GI21 to cover urgent
    spending needs while SNAP, housing vouchers, and other in-kind programs provide
    a backup sounds nice, but in practice, it would be unworkable. If GI21 benefits
    were not disregarded, so few people would qualify for the other programs that
    it would not be worth the administrative expense of maintaining them. If GI21
    benefits were disregarded, then the combined benefit-reduction rates of
    multiple programs would be extremely injurious to work incentives. However,
    programs that address needs that are not best addressed through cash grants,
    such as access to affordable health care, substance abuse, and domestic
    violence, would still be needed.
  • Third, since GI21 is framed as a reform of the existing
    EITC, consideration should be given to retaining some key features of the EITC
    that the current version of GI21 proposes to eliminate.

Benefit reduction rates during the phaseout should be held
closer to rates under the existing EITC than to those in Table 1. One partial
step toward doing that would be to allow the upper limit of the phaseout range
to rise as the number of children in a family increases. In that way, the
benefit-reduction rates would not rise, or not rise so sharply, as family size

Consideration should be given to retaining a phase-in range
with a positive wage bonus, as with the current EITC. However, unlike the
current EITC, the phase-in bonus should start from a substantial basic benefit
that would be received even by households with no earned income.

To further smooth the transition from nonemployment to work,
the phase-in and phaseout ranges could (optionally) be connected by a plateau
rather than a single benefit peak, as is the case under the current EITC. The
higher the eventual phaseout rate, the more important it would be to have the
flat segment.

A version of GI21 with all of these features would look very
much like an approach that I call Integrated Cash Assistance (ICA). Figure 1
provides a schematic comparison of a hypothetical ICA with GI21 as described by
Zewde et al. and with the existing version of the EITC.

The three programs shown in Figure 1 balance the basic
tradeoffs of poverty policy in different ways:


    The EITC by itself scores well for work incentives and
    affordability, but it falls short on income security in that it offers little
    or no assistance to either childless or nonworking parents. If rated in
    combination with other existing programs, it offers better income support, but
    it is less affordable and, because of additive benefit reductions, it has
    weaker work incentives.

  • GI21 does excellently in terms of income support. It is more
    affordable than truly universal basic income programs that have no phaseout.
    However, with no phase-in and a steep phaseout, it rates poorly for work
    incentives, especially if it supplements rather than replaces other programs.
  • ICA, with a positive phase-in and a gradual phaseout, has
    strong work incentives, especially if it replaces existing income support
    programs rather than being added on top of them. The version of ICA in Figure 1
    is drawn to have approximately the same affordability as the combination of
    GI21 plus the other existing forms of income support that would continue. On
    static scoring, it would offer somewhat weaker income support than GI21 to
    households with very low earned incomes, but it would still do better than the
    existing combination of poverty programs. If scored dynamically, including the
    effect of work incentives, it could well provide more total
    earned-plus-unearned income to the target low-income population as a whole than
    GI21 would do.


As a long-time supporter of cash assistance to poor families
without work requirements, I welcome the addition of Guaranteed Income for the
21st Century to the menu of policies offered as improvements over today’s
broken safety net. It is clear that GI21 would provide better income support
than what we have now, and its budgetary cost, while far from negligible, would
plausibly be less than that of competing proposals for universal basic income
or universal guaranteed jobs.

In my opinion, the initial version of GI21, as presented in
the report by Zewde et al., does have some weaknesses. I see the two most
serious as the inadequate consideration given to the program’s interaction with
existing tax policies and welfare programs, and its less-than-thorough
consideration of work incentives. I am sure that further thought will be given
to those issues as GI21 is fleshed out more fully. I look forward to more from
the team at the Institute for Race and Political Economy.

Reposted with permission from Niskanen Center. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

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