A Negative Income Tax, One Step at a Time

A Negative Income Tax, One Step at a Time

The negative income tax (NIT) sometimes seems like the carbon tax of social policy. Both are irresistibly appealing to economists and have long pedigrees. Both are supported by blindingly persuasive logic. Yet neither policy seems capable of mustering much political support in 21st-century Washington politics. I see two things as essential in repackaging the NIT for today’s America.

The first essential is to recognize
the reality of path dependency — the need to start from where we are, not from
a clean slate, and take things one step at a time.  Gerald Gaus calls that approach “exploring the
adjacent possible.”

The second essential is to present the NIT in a
value framework that has broad appeal across the political spectrum. As things
stand, the NIT has about an even balance of progressive and conservative
skeptics, yet properly implemented, it offers much that is in harmony with the
values of both sides.

Here, then, are some ideas for nudging
the NIT along from a merely an elegant concept toward something more concrete
and workable.

One step at a time

When I moved to Vermont years ago, I
found that the locals had a wealth of tongue-in-cheek jokes, sometimes at their
own expense. In one, a New Yorker stops his car to ask a farmer how to get to
the tiny town of North Pomfret. After thinking for a minute or so, the
Vermonter answers, “You can’t get there from here.”

Path dependency is the social
scientist’s way of saying, “You can’t get there from here.” The steps you took
to get where you are now constrain what you can do in the future.

In either its rustic or academic
version, path dependency is highly relevant to the design of an NIT. When
Milton Friedman
 first started thinking about the
concept in the late 1930s, the modern welfare system did not exist. Roosevelt’s
New Deal had introduced some ad hoc jobs programs like the Civilian
Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration, but there was little
else. If an NIT had been introduced then, it could have been drawn on a blank

Things are different today. Each of
our many poverty programs has its own constituents, its own staff who depend on
it for their jobs, and its own rent-seeking hangers-on. As a textbook exercise,
throwing out the whole lot and replacing them with an NIT has a definite
appeal, but it doesn’t look likely to happen.

Could an NIT simply be added on top of
our current welfare system?  Some say yes. Consider, for example, a
proposal called Guaranteed Income for the 21st Century (GI21), about which I have written previously. Its
authors designed GI21 as a Universal Basic Income with a phase-out, which made
it, in effect, an NIT. However, they were
specific that GI21 was to supplement existing poverty programs, not replace
them. They were less specific as to just how the phase-out rates of GI21 were
to interact with those of SNAP (also known as food stamps), the Earned Income Tax
Credit (EITC), and so on. By my calculations, however, no matter which of
several variants were chosen, it was clear that GI21 beneficiaries would keep
little, if anything, of each additional dollar they earned, especially in the
critical near-poor range of $10,000 to $50,000 per year. GI21 would have
boosted the incomes of many families, but it would have been anything but

But, if starting from a blank slate is
impossible due to path dependency, and if an add-on NIT would be destructive of
work incentives, what is to be done? I see at least three ways forward that
would not require the immediate repeal of current programs, but only changes in
their phase-in and phase-out parameters.

One way would be simply to modify
existing programs. Consider the EITC, the largest cash transfer program we have
now. As of 2023, the EITC gives a credit of 34
cents per dollar earned to a family with two parents and one child, up to an
income of $11,750. Starting at an income of $28,120, the credit phases out at a
rate of 16 percent. Anybody in between gets the full credit amount, $3,995. It
is, in effect, an NIT married to a wage subsidy for low-income workers.

A few steps would bring the EITC
closer to an NIT. One would be to raise the minimum credit to a positive
amount, say, $5,000 per family. Minnesota’s Working Family Credit, which is part of its
version of the EITC at the state level, offers a possible model.  Another
idea would be to broaden eligibility by making the EITC available to married
workers on terms comparable to those who are unmarried, thus fixing the program’s
existing marriage penalty. Paying benefits monthly,
instead of once a year at tax time, would help, too. At the same time, other
benefits that are also delivered through the tax system could be expanded or

A second approach would be to offer an
option to convert selected in-kind benefits to cash. For example, SNAP
beneficiaries could opt to receive cash rather than the current electronic
benefits transfer cards, which can be used only for food. Princeton economist Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach estimates
that between 20 and 30 percent of food stamp recipients would spend less on
food than their food stamp benefit amount if they received cash instead of
stamps. She interprets that as meaning that they would be better off with cash.
On average, she thinks that those stamp recipients value their total benefits
at 80 percent of their face value. These estimates suggest that a cash option
would likely have a good take-up even if the amount of cash offered were less
than 1-to-1 with the face value of the in-kind benefits. Part of the budget
savings from the lower maximum benefit could be used to improve work incentives
by reducing the phase-out rate to something below its current 24 percent.

A third, more radical, approach would
be what I call total income phase-out (TIP). Regardless of how many cash and
in-kind welfare programs stayed on the books, TIP would introduce a harmonized
phase-out system that would apply to all of them. Applied consistently, it
would be mathematically indistinguishable from an NIT.

The central aim of TIP is to ease the
biggest source of work disincentives for the poor, namely, the current practice
that makes the phase-out rates of various programs additive. Today, for
example, if you are in the phase-out zone for both EITC (16 percent) and SNAP
(24 percent), 40 cents of every extra dollar you earn disappears in benefit
reductions. The numbers worsen as a family qualifies for more programs, such as
Medicaid, housing, or school lunches. As my earlier research has shown, these
work disincentives hit the near-poor hardest. People who have
worked their way up from nothing to the threshold of self-sufficiency do not
infrequently encounter “disincentive deserts” where more than 80 cents of
each extra dollar earned is taken away in benefit reductions. And that is
before you factor in commuting costs, child care, or work-related clothing.

TIP would replace the additive
phase-outs with a uniform rate of, say, 35 percent applied to total net income.
Total net income would include the sum of earned income, cash benefits, and the
cash value of in-kind benefits, minus payroll taxes, income taxes (if any), and
work-related expenses. It might still be worth consolidating or cashing out
some of today’s alphabet-soup of in-kind public assistance programs, but that
would not have to be done all at once. Even if the TIP approach were, at first,
used to harmonize the phase-outs of just a single pair of programs, such as
EITC and SNAP, it would be a step forward. Ultimately, if applied to all public
assistance programs, the overall profile of household earnings and total net
incomes under TIP could be made mathematically indistinguishable from a classic

Value framing

Let’s turn now to the second big issue
that must be addressed if an NIT is to become a politically realistic option in
today’s America. That is to present the concept in a way that appeals to the
values of voters and policymakers across the political spectrum. That is not as
impossible a task as it might seem, given the current degree of polarization.
Although progressive and conservative critics of the NIT often use different
language, a careful examination shows that many of their underlying concerns are
similar. Consider, first, the progressive point of view, which tends to
emphasize the values of inclusivity, accessibility, opportunity, and

Compared with our current welfare
system, an NIT is hands-down more inclusive. Despite all the billions spent,
the current system fails to help everyone who needs and deserves it. Even if
you draw a line at undocumented immigrants (an admitted point of contention), a
classic NIT would exclude fewer deserving recipients.

Accessibility is a closely related
virtue of the NIT. The current system too often denies access to people who
ought to be eligible because of excessive red tape, lack of English literacy,
lack of internet access, processing backlogs, waiting periods, and a host of
other reasons. A fully implemented NIT would make feasible automatic enrollment
— the ultimate in accessibility. Short of that, each step toward an NIT would
be a step toward simplicity and universality.

Next, progressives lament that
although America is supposed to be a land of opportunity, the current welfare
system can make that promise a sham. Work disincentives, discussed earlier, are
a case in point. What good is it to offer someone the opportunity to work
longer hours, seek a promotion, or apply for a higher-paying job if the lion’s
share of any extra earnings would disappear into the black hole of benefit
reductions? In contrast, an NIT promises to make opportunities for self-help a

Finally, an NIT opens a path to
empowerment and autonomy. Its inclusiveness and simplicity clear away the
paternalism of a system that, in the name of the supposed best interests of
beneficiaries, too often restricts their ability to lead their lives as they
see fit. Those restrictions make welfare disempowering and stigmatizing. Food
stamps, housing vouchers, even Medicaid suggest distrust of those they intend
to help. Cash is liberating.

And what about conservatives? Although
the NIT was famously championed by Milton Friedman, one of their intellectual
icons, it has no shortage of conservative skeptics. Yet, on closer examination,
an NIT is in harmony with key conservative values of work, family, freedom, and

Perhaps the most stubborn myth among
conservatives is that the poor are lazy, and that giving them cash would make
them lazier still. But that myth crumbles under closer examination. For one
thing, the “lazy poor” are, in reality, few in number. Data show that more than half of those
who benefit from programs like SNAP and Medicaid already work at least
part-time. Of those who do not work, the great majority cite caretaking duties,
school, or poor health as the reason. If conservatives really want people to
achieve self-sufficiency, they should use fewer sticks and more carrots. A
properly designed NIT would encourage self-sufficiency by letting workers with
low incomes keep a larger share of each extra dollar they earn.

Next, the current welfare system not
only penalizes work, but also marriage and the family, which many
conservatives (not without justification) view as bedrocks of
economic security. The best way to lift the marriage penalties in
the current welfare system would be to cash out welfare benefits and
consolidate programs wherever possible – exactly what an NIT would do.

Freedom is the third key value that
should attract conservatives to an NIT. What, do you say anything with the word
“tax” is a threat to freedom? That is a narrow definition. There is a broader “republican” view of freedom, championed by
Friedrich Hayek and other writers that conservatives revere. Republican freedom
emphasizes the ability of individuals to live their lives according to their
own decisions and plans, rather than being subject to the will of others.
Compared with today’s welfare system, the NIT greatly enhances individual
freedom in the republican sense. Cash gives greater latitude to live your own
life as you choose than do food stamps or housing vouchers. And, since everyone
is eligible for the NIT, the right to enrollment does not depend on the whim of
some social worker.

Finally, morality aside, conservatives
see a great deal of waste in our current welfare system. An NIT would enhance
the cost-effectiveness of social programs by reducing administrative costs, by
making sure that fewer of the poor fall between the cracks, and by encouraging
work and self-sufficiency.

Running through these lists, we see
how progressive and conservative values converge when applied to an NIT. Sure,
the language may differ. But aren’t the autonomy and empowerment that concern
progressives just a different way of expressing what conservatives call
republican freedom? Aren’t opportunity and work incentives two sides of the
same coin? Isn’t the inherent administrative simplicity of an NIT both a way of
enhancing access and at the same time making social insurance more cost
effective? The same features of today’s welfare system that upset both
progressives and conservatives ought to make both of them love an NIT.

Getting there from here

I started by calling a negative income
tax the carbon tax of social policy – attractive on paper but never enacted. In
fact, though, an NIT and a carbon tax differ in an important way that makes the
NIT even harder to implement. The difference is this: A carbon tax would
improve environmental performance whether it were the sole emissions reduction
policy or an add-on to existing regulations and subsidies. In contrast, a
conventional NIT added to the already crushing work disincentives of our
current welfare system would be a disaster.

It is utopian to think of wiping the
slate clean and starting from scratch with a stand-alone NIT. Instead, NIT
advocates (and advocates of the NIT’s close cousin, a UBI) need to figure out a
step-by-step approach. But there is a catch: Not any random series of steps
will work. What we need is a sequence of reforms, each of which meet three

1.  Each step should be small
enough to enact with a single piece of legislation, regulatory action, or
executive order. A refundable Child Tax Credit is an
example of one such step, and one that is not totally beyond the realm of
legislative feasibility.

2.  Each step should improve both
the lives of the poor and the performance of the economy even while other
programs remain in place. For example, given the evidence that people value
cash more than equally costly in-kind benefits, a cash-out option for SNAP
could improve the lives of the poor while cutting the burden on federal

3.  Each step should be a win-win
as viewed from values of both progressives and conservatives. The progressive
values of inclusivity, accessibility, opportunity, and empowerment are, after
all, complementary to the conservative values of work, family, freedom, and
cost-effectiveness. With a little imagination, each step toward reform can be
sold as a plus to both sides.

This essay has been too short to offer a complete road map
to repackaging the NIT for today’s America. I have tried, though, to give
examples that make such a project look at least a little more feasible.

Adapted with permission from “A Negative Income Tax for Today’s America,” published in Hypertext, a newsletter of Niskanen Center. Image generated by Gemini.


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