Quotation of the Day… – Cafe Hayek


… is from page 130 of the original edition of Walter Lippmann’s sometimes deeply flawed but profoundly insightful and important 1937 book, The Good Society:

Thus it has come about that under gradual collectivism the struggle for power has become ever more intense. As men learn that their fortunes depend increasingly upon their political position, the control of the authority of the state becomes a prize of infinite value.

DBx: It’s comical, in a macabre sort of way, to witness so very many politicians, pundits, and professors protest against “obscene” spending, including of “dark money,” on political campaigns – and then to observe most of these same pols, pundits, and profs demand that more and more human activities be taxed, subsidized, prescribed, proscribed, or otherwise superintended in detail by the state.

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