ONE SLIDE: Working on the Summary Review Materials for Econ 135: History of Economic Growth: The Post-1870 MEG-Economy

DRAFT of one single slide I want my students to be able to refer to, now, while writing the exam, and far into the future…


Perhaps three-quarters of all of the $6.2 quadrillion of human economic activity since the perhaps semi-speciation event of 75,000 years ago has taken place since 1870, since the beginning of what Simon Kuznets labeled “Modern Economic Growth.

I need to put together a single summary slide on the post-1870 history of economic growth. It should be something that my students can refer to now, on the exam, and afterwards during their lives.

It can be very busy.

It should balance itself and cover both the political-economic and the econo-technical.

Below the fold is my first—highly inadequate—stab at a draft.

Suggestions for edits very welcome:

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